Let' s learn simple Kanji - JLPT N5
You can memorize simple Kanji
with original illustrations and fun exercises !
This course includes...
- 119 Kanji characters (JLPT N5*) with original illustrations [*beginner's level ]
- Pronunciation audio and tips
- How to write Kanji stroke by stroke
- Several unique quizzes for listening and reading
After completing this course, you will be able to...
- Understand Kanji (JLPT N5 level) well
- Read sentences and stories in Japanese including Kanji
- Write sentences and keep your own diary in Japanese including Kanji
- Get ready to take the JLPT N5 test
- Get ready to learn more Kanji (JLPT N4 level)
Who should take this course?
- Beginners who wants to start learning Kanji
- Beginners who plans to take the JLPT N5 test
I hope you will enjoy learning basic Kanji in this course, especially if you are "a visual learner"!
About the Instructor

Over the years I have created and refined a Japanese learning programme for English speakers which includes my own custom illustrations. Through teaching this material for several years, it has been refined to what it is today - a fun, clear and practical way for English speakers to master Japanese conversation.
I currently teach private students in the United Kingdom. I have previously worked as a Japanese teacher assistant in Sand Lake Elementary School in Alaska, USA. I successfully completed the CELTA course and have earned several teaching certificates.
I am committed to providing professional but fun Japanese language lessons for English speakers.
• Ochanomizu University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (Liberal Arts and Humanities, Philosophy, Ethics, and Art History Course Bachelor’s degree, 03/2006)
• National Teaching Certifications: Social Study at Junior High School / High School, 03/2006
• National Teaching Certifications: English at Junior High School, 02/2012
• MOS Excel 2010 Expert Certification 12/2011
• MOS PowerPoint 2010 Certification 01/2012
• Cambridge University CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), 15/11/2014
• The 420 hour Advanced Japanese Teacher Training Course, 12/07/2015
Course content
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