Japanese Learning Course for JLPT N3 Level
You can master
vocabulary, expressions, grammar, and conversation
related to the JLPT N3 level!
This course is Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N3 level.
You can study vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension that corresponds to the JLPT N3 level.
The Japanese of N3 level is applied in actual conversations, so this course is useful for JLPT preparation and advancing your Japanese communication proficiency.
All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that foreigner Japanese learners can freely study.
In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, hiragana characters are added above all of the kanji, so that learners can study effectively.
These teaching materials are useful for advancing your proficiency in Japanese language study, acquiring the proper qualifications of JLPT N3, as well as mastering intermediate business Japanese.
This course’s teaching materials can be used for: Learners who already mastered N4 level Japanese, learners who want to study intermediate Japanese and intermediate business Japanese, and those taking the JLPT N3.
Recommended for such people
- Learners who understand English and whose native language is not Japanese.(Essentials)
- Learners who have mastered JLPT N4 Japanese or finished elementary Japanese study.(Essentials)
- Learners who want to take the JLPT N3.
- Learners who want to study intermediate business Japanese.
- Learners who want to be proficient in conversational Japanese.
- Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college.
- International students coming to Japan.
- Foreign employees of a Japanese company who need Japanese language training.
What you will learn in this course
Lesson 1
こちらの本を 借りたいんですが、貸し出しは可能でしょうか。
I'd like to borrow this book, is it possible?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to borrow and return books to the library.
- Be able to read notices of public facilities such as libraries.
- Learn contractions.
- How to use "causative form + "てもらう" and "てくれる"
Lesson 2
You should be able to return or exchange the mail order shoes.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to say your opinions regarding products.
- Be able to return or exchange products.
- How to use "みたいだ" and "ようだ".
Lesson 3
By doing a part-time job, I want to improve my Japanese.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to read advertisements for recruiting employees in Japan
- Being able to say things you are sure or unsure of
- 「Learning how to use "ていく"
Lesson 4
I often see DK and LDK in the real estate advertisements. What do they mean?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to understand Japanese real estate advertisements
- Memorizing words related to house rental.
- Learning grammar that uses the ます-form.
Lesson 5
I can't help feeling anxious because I don't know what the result will be.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to understand precautions and notices in Japanese
- Being able to talk about progress of your study and research
- 「Learn how to use "てしかたがない" and "てたまらない".
Lesson 6
As factory production efficiency rose, the cost could be reduced.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Remembering Japanese words frequently used in meetings.
- Being able to explain graphs in Japanese
Lesson 7
Even if it is difficult, I want to attempt to go into music.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to say your hopes and desires for your career and future
- Being able to understand Japanese letters
- Learn how to write a letter in Japanese
Lesson 8
It seems that they are really angry, and I don't think apologizing will help.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Learning how to deal with business troubles
- Being able to understand business emails in Japanese
Lesson 9
I don't necessarily write a diary every day.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to talk about traveling experiences
- Being able to read and write a diary in Japanese
Lesson 10
Time flies so quickly!
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to catch up with someone you haven't seen in a long time
- Being able to understand Japanese television news and newspaper articles
- Mastering grammar related to "もの".
By the end of the course, you will be able to do the following things
- Master vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension related to the JLPT N3 level.
- Be able to comprehend contents spoken in almost natural speed in daily life conversations.
- Be able to comprehend and read everyday topics, slightly complex Japanese sentences, newspaper headlines.
- Be able to have Japanese intermediate level conversations in everyday life.
- Be able to speak and understand intermediate level business Japanese.
About the Instructor

Attain Corporation is a Japanese educational e-learning company. We are devoting ourselves in making and selling Japanese learning materials and Japanese teacher training materials. We also offer over 600 lessons of e-learning materials about IT knowledge and business skills in Japan. We have absolute confidence in the quality of our content.
Currently we are publishing our Japanese learning materials from Beginners course through the N2 course. N1 courses are in production. We will make them accessible to the public accordingly.
Với hơn 15 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực học trực tuyến và tài liệu giáo dục, Tập đoàn Attain đến nay đã cung cấp hơn 1.000 khoá học.
Với phòng thu riêng phục vụ cho việc sản xuất nội dung từ khâu kịch bản, lời dẫn đến quay phim và chỉnh sửa, chúng tôi khẳng định có thể cung cấp cho các bạn những khóa học chất lượng nhất.
Tập đoàn Attain luôn làm việc để cung cấp những tài liệu hữu ích nhất để giúp đỡ càng nhiều học viên càng tốt.
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